National Collegiate filed two lawsuits against our client. We fought both of these lawsuits at trial and won. Our client was relieved of the entire debt.
Cach LLC filed a lawsuit against our client. We fought this lawsuit in court and won. Our client was relieved of the entire debt.
American Express filed a debt lawsuit against our client. We took American Express to trial and won. Our client was relieved of the entire debt.
Caterpillar Financial Services sued our client over a finance contract. We aggressively challenged this lawsuit and caused Caterpillar to dismiss the case before trial . Our client was relieved of the entire debt.
Bank of America sued our client over credit card debt. We fought Bank of America during trial and won. Our client was relieved of the entire debt.
Jefferson Capital filed a debt lawsuit against our client. We challenged the validity of the lawsuit and forced Jefferson Capital to dismiss the case before trial. Our client was relieved of the entire debt.
Midland Funding LLC sued our client over a debt they purchased. We fought Midland in trial and proved our client did not owe the debt. Our client was relieved of the entire debt.
National Collegiate sued our client over unpaid student loans. We fought the lawsuit at trial and won. Our client was relieved of the entire debt.
Integras Capital Recovery is a debt buyer who sued our client. We challenged the validity of these loans with Integras and forced them to dismiss the case before trial. Our client was relieved of the entire debt.